Why Collaboration is key


The year 2022 could not have come at a much better time than this . So much happening all over the world at the same time. Everything seems, to have been staged or planned out by some higher force, superior to  the human race.

The Covid-19 pandemic still on going , with new variants springing up; the Russia planned invasion of Ukraine; the political issues in some African countries; the Middle east with her own share of trouble and the list goes on and on. There Is never a dull moment with the human race.

We humans, always and somehow find a way to solve our challenges and evolve to something higher. The survival instinct in humans , has been the major factor why humans have always had the upper hand, despite the challenges we face.


Our collaborative effort always comes to play and helps us deal with challenges despite our race, colour, language, geographical location and more.

This, has made it possible for the human race , to most often find solutions to the challenges common to all.


Collaborating makes you work together with people from different different background, who have different experiences, skill sets, knowledge and perspectives, in order to accomplish goals that benefits everyone.

According to the Cambridge dictionary, Collaboration is defined as,”the act of working together with other people or organizations to create or achieve something.”


Why the Need for Collaboration


Collaborations helps :

with the sharing of knowledge and resources

with sharing of skills and networking with others

with a cost effective way doing things and achieving objectives for organizations and individuals

boost creativity

builds team work and spirit

How Do you Collaborate?

How you collaborate depends on certain factors that may be peculiar to own situation or circumstances. There are no laid down rules or guide on how to collaborate. Its advisable to at least :

1. Define the purpose of the collaboration: this will help you stay focus on the objective and asses progress made as you go on

2. Involve the right people: it is a common knowledge that involving the right people with make the collaboration effective

3. Encourage a collaborative attitude: attitude is everything, it can make or break the collaborative efforts.You will do well keep a positive and encouraging collaborative attitude at all times. This will greatly help achieve the desired results of the collaboration faster.

4. Decide on the type of collaboration you want: this means deciding if you need the collaboration to be an open or a closed collaboration.

Open collaborations involves people across all sphere of the business or subject matter for which the collaboration is about. Here you will have experts and non experts sharing their ideas, knowledge,experience and everything that as it relates with the issue

Closed Collaboration involved on the people with expertise on the issue or subject matter.

5. Outline the benefits: there is need to let your collaborative partners know the benefits they stand to gain from the collaboration. A lot people have very busy schedules and would not want to waste their precious time and effort on a course they do not what the benefits are. An outlined shared benefits with the collaborators with help clear any doubts and encourage coming on-board

There are several other informations and tips to share on the subject collaboration and its benefits, plus its pitfalls. This will be covered in subsequent titles, for now we hope you have been to learn a little about collaborations and its benefits.


. . .to be continued                          qtscore.com

Software Engineer Needed at Macy's in Georgia

Company: Macy's

Job Position: Software Engineer

Location: Johns Creek, Georgia, USA

Est Salary: $127,147 /Annually


At Macys, were moving fastwere at top speed to become Americas premiere retailer. Macys Technology strives to set the pace by providing seamless and compelling shopping experiences for our Macys and Bloomingdales customers.

 Macys Technology is creating innovative technology solutions to support these experiences and define the future of retailing.

This job function is responsible for translating business requirements into well-engineered, tested and deployed application systems that are used by the business as well as supporting these systems while in production.

Positions in this function interface with internal customers to determine the most efficient and cost-effective approach to meet their business requirements and are responsible for designing, developing, testing, installing, and deploying the required software applications. Solutions utilize a variety of software technologies and may include new code construction, modifications to existing modules, configuration and/or package implementation. Perform other duties as assigned.
Essential Functions:

  • Write core java code adhering to overall architecture and design of existing applications.

  • Work closely with Quality Assurance to resolve any issues reported by QA / Test Analysis.

  • Understand performance metric and factors affecting the performance and find ways to improve it.

  • Leverage automation for increased efficiency.

  • Track own progress to ensure timely delivery.

  • Work collaboratively with Product teams to brainstorm on business features.

  • Bring in fresh ideas to make improvements.

  • Participate in code reviews for own as well as others' code.

  • Work with other teams involved in project life-cycle.

  • Regular, dependable attendance and punctuality.



  • Bachelor's Degree (Preferably CS, CE or IT).

  • 0-3years of experience as a Software Developer.

  • Deep understanding of Core Java and Multithreading, Streaming and Event Driven.

  • Experience with Ultra Low Latency programming and performance tuning.

  • Experience in developing distributed application, API development using REST architectural guidelines.

  • Familiarity with Linux, Maven, Git, Jira.

  • Agile and test-driven development experience.

  • Retail industry experience will be a plus.

Communication Skills:

  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills.

  • Able to read, write, and interpret complex documents.

Mathematical Skills:

  • Basic math functions such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and analytical skills.

Reasoning Ability:

  • Must be able to work independently with minimal supervision and make sound decisions.

Physical Demands:

  • This position involves regular walking, standing, sitting for extended periods of time, hearing, and talking.

  • May occasionally involve stooping, kneeling, or crouching.

  • May involve close vision, color vision, depth perception, focus adjustment, and viewing computer monitor for extended periods of time.

  • Involves manual dexterity for using keyboard, mouse, and other office equipment.

  • May involve moving or lifting items under 10 pounds.

Other Skills:

  • Lead the development phase of projects, making work assignments and managing task completion.

  • Select tools/methodologies for projects.

  • Commit to deliverables for scope of work.

  • Modify jobs and schedules for jobs as necessary.

Work Hours:

  • Ability to work a flexible schedule based on department and company needs.

Apply Now

7 of the Easiest Ways To Migrate To Canada

 More than half of the population in Canadian is made out of the immigrant people making it the easiest immigrant "top-tier" country in the world. Canada which is known to be the second biggest country in the World and also one of the largest countries in Northern America as a whole, accommodates a population of over 33 million.

We have summed up the easiest ways migrate to Canada in this post.

1. Go and marry a Canadian-born citizen.

In as much as your spouse is a permanent resident in Canada, or a Canadian citizen, he/she can sponsor a qualified family member to live in Canada as a permanent resident.

2. Apply for IEC (International Experience Canada). 

This visa offers you one of the easiest ways to migrate to Canada and work in any profession. This can be the ticket into Canada for persons between the ages of 18 and 35. You simply enter Canada on an open work permit, or without even having a job offer similar to a work permit. However, it is a little restricting as it is accessible to people who are from select countries including Australia, Austria, Denmark, Japan, Norway, Estonia, South Korea, Taiwan, Poland and Ukraine among others.

3. Apply as the Au-Pair (Live-in Caregiver).

Real benefactors are persons who have no specific skills. A high school education will be needed, a job offer and six years training or one year experience as an au-pair to apply for this work permit.

 4. Student Permit. 

This is for those who can afford it or have a scholarship. One of the easiest ways to migrate to Canada is through a study permit.

5. Visitor Visa.

If you only think the way to get to Canada is through a job offer and a work permit, then it is good for you to know that you can also apply to visit the country using a Visitor’s Visa. Visitor Visa offers you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of Canada for not more than six months without work.

6. Work Permit with Job Offer

If you are a graduate, have work experience and meet the requirement, find a Canadian employer for a job offer along with skilled Canadian citizens in the same profession as you.

7. Trade Agreement Immigration 

Canada has signed trade agreements with several countries, including the NAFTA agreement. If you are a citizen from a country that’s in a trade agreement with Canada, and your company has a Canadian branch, you can easily migrate to Canada and get employed in Canada without the LMO (Labour Market Opinion).

How To Answer Interview Questions When Applying For Foreign Jobs

Due to the high economic & financial stability of countries like Australia, Canada, USA and the UK, a lot of immigrants tend to find themselves drawn too these countries which means when applying for Jobs in such countries, some interviews will be conducted via Skype.
You should be careful when conducting interviews online because even though you might not be at the interview ground physically, the interviewer will still like to access your dressing. So, don't get complacent or nonchalant about your dressing Just because you are conducting the interview online, you might still be asked to display a full camera shot of yourself.

In a nut shell, Dress appropriately and also, do proper research about the company before the date of your interview.

Here is a common "interview question pattern", Study it and get yourself acquainted before your next Interview.

Tell me about yourself?

Now, Instead of telling the interviewer everything about your life, try as much as possible to filter out the negatives and personal things about yourself by talking about your basically skills, goals and how this job fits perfectly into your career path.

What is your greatest strength?

When answering this particular question, let your answer align with the Job specifications. Do project your skills and make them see exactly why they should hire YOU.

 What is your greatest weakness?

Be honest about this as no interviewer believes everyone is perfect. Telling them you have none might give them a negative vibe about you. So be honest, it will make them trust you. However do not be totally bare or blurt everything out, try keeping it as vague as possible. Downplay your weaknesses no matter how large they are and give the interviewer the notion that you have corrected it and it wont be a problem here.

How do you handle stress and pressure?

Almost everyone cracks under pressure (varying the degree), but employers want to be assured that you can handle stress in a right and professional manner. The best answer is to give an example of any past situation where you have handled pressure. You should focus on how that stressful situation pushed you to step up and helped you grow as a person.

Why is there a gap in your employment history?

You may have struggled to find work for some time but you can always spin in a positive light by saying that you used the time to build yourself positively, continued your study or you took up a new hobby.

What is the most difficult obstacle that you have had to face?

This is to find out how you are able to face challenges and how logical you are in solving problem. Choose a situation that somebody else caused and had an impact on your job in some way. Then explain to them how you solved the issue and how you learnt from the situation. Always end on a positive note.

What interests you most about this job?

Talk about the most important aspects of the job description. For instance,
Find out what the Job stands for and hammer on it. For instance, if the job is one that requires a high level of team-work, hammer on your willingness to join the company and become a team player. If its a Job that requires you to "think on your feet", hammer on that, and just like that...

What are your achievements to date?

Choose one work-related achievement that stood out for you and you were able to showcase your skills. Ensure to give important and specific details on the situation and make sure that you pick a time where you were able to reduce expenses, raise revenues or solve problems for the company.

Are you happy with your career to date?

Your answer to this question should always be yes. The interviewer is asking this loaded question to find out about your career aspirations, your confidence and self-esteem. You should be honest while answering this question and always justify your answers.

Why are you leaving your current job?

This is a very sensitive question. No matter what, never paint your previous employer in a bad light. You have that most interviewers check for loyalty, your opinion about your previous employer tells a lot on how you are going to portray them. Just go with the general sentence or saying... "i left because i was looking for something a little bit more challenging and i also wanted to test my self in a more advanced environment". This should do.

Whether your comes via Skype, a telephone or in person, you need to brush up on your interview skills. If you are properly prepared, you can impress the interviewer and be successful in your next endeavor.